What's On

Are You Ready For A Visit?

Plan your next Masonic visit to one of the lodges or chapters listed below.

To have your Lodge or Chapter details included please ask your secretary or Scribe E to upload your ceremony details to the Provincial website. They can get details of how to do this by contacting the Provincial Communications Officer.

Looking For A Lodge Or Chapter To Visit?

Click on an event below to find out more

Looking For A Lodge Or Chapter To Visit?

Click on an event below to find out more

What's OnDescriptionDate
Other: Lodge White Table Charity Nightat Birmingham, Severn Street | Elkington L1016DETAILS: Bring Your Partners, friends, Brothers and Sisters; lot’s of change and lots of money to raise funds for our nominated charity. You have a change of winning 5 x £250 vouchers to be donated to the charity of the ‘winners’ choice. Elkington Lodge will double all money raised on the night for the Joanna Brown Trust supporting disabled youngsters. ... 1741287600 06/03/2025
Other: Rose Croix Open Eveningat Rugby | Rose CroixDETAILS: Are you thinking about your next step in Freemasonry? An invitation is extended to ALL Craft masons to attend a Brethren’s Open Evening at Rugby Masonic Hall, where more will be explained about and demonstrated about Rose Croix, together with an opportunity for further conversation over a complimentary light buffet. The Antient & Accepted Rite or Rose Croix is ... 1740423600 24/02/2025
50th Certificate at Warwick, Alderson Ho | Lodge of Warwick L8011DETAILS: Alongside the routine business there will be a short talk on "The Preparation of a Mason" and then the main event. The V. W. Bro. David Butcher will present a 50 years certificate to W. Bro. Chris Stoner, PAGDC, well known to many and a busy man in the province. LODGE/CHAPTER: Lodge of Warwick L8011 CONTACT: W Bro Steven ... 1739383200 12/02/2025
Other: White Table Eveningat Knowle, Masonic Centre | Solihull L8088DETAILS: Solihull Lodge 8088 are inviting Members of the Order of Women Freemasons and Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons and their Partners and Friends together with Masons, Gentlemen, Ladies, Partners and Friends to a White Table Evening. Following the February Regular Meeting of the Lodge, R W Bro Mabs Attwood, Assistant Grand Master, Order of Women Freemasons, will give a ... 1739814300 17/02/2025

Looking For A Lodge Or Chapter To Visit?

Click on an event below to find out more

February 2025
Mon Monday

Tue Tuesday

Wed Wednesday

Thu Thursday

Fri Friday

Sat Saturday

Sun Sunday




















Upcoming Events

What's OnDescriptionDate
Other: Lodge White Table Charity Nightat Birmingham, Severn Street | Elkington L1016DETAILS: Bring Your Partners, friends, Brothers and Sisters; lot’s of change and lots of money to raise funds for our nominated charity. You have a change of winning 5 x £250 vouchers to be donated to the charity of the ‘winners’ choice. Elkington Lodge will double all money raised on the night for the Joanna Brown Trust supporting disabled youngsters. ... 1741287600 06/03/2025
Other: Rose Croix Open Eveningat Rugby | Rose CroixDETAILS: Are you thinking about your next step in Freemasonry? An invitation is extended to ALL Craft masons to attend a Brethren’s Open Evening at Rugby Masonic Hall, where more will be explained about and demonstrated about Rose Croix, together with an opportunity for further conversation over a complimentary light buffet. The Antient & Accepted Rite or Rose Croix is ... 1740423600 24/02/2025
50th Certificate at Warwick, Alderson Ho | Lodge of Warwick L8011DETAILS: Alongside the routine business there will be a short talk on "The Preparation of a Mason" and then the main event. The V. W. Bro. David Butcher will present a 50 years certificate to W. Bro. Chris Stoner, PAGDC, well known to many and a busy man in the province. LODGE/CHAPTER: Lodge of Warwick L8011 CONTACT: W Bro Steven ... 1739383200 12/02/2025
Other: White Table Eveningat Knowle, Masonic Centre | Solihull L8088DETAILS: Solihull Lodge 8088 are inviting Members of the Order of Women Freemasons and Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons and their Partners and Friends together with Masons, Gentlemen, Ladies, Partners and Friends to a White Table Evening. Following the February Regular Meeting of the Lodge, R W Bro Mabs Attwood, Assistant Grand Master, Order of Women Freemasons, will give a ... 1739814300 17/02/2025

What's On At A Glance