Warwickshire Freemasons donate £1,000 to Ever-Green School, Warwick
Ever-Green School in Warwick is an all-age school 4-19 for children and young people with special educational needs.
Johnson’s Coaches have kindly donated a bus without an engine to the school to use as a music sensory “building”.
The area and pathway to the bus will have out-door musical instruments so that the students can play music on the way to the bus. Warwickshire Royal Arch Masons have donated £1,000 to enabled the school to purchase these instruments.
The Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund supported this venture with thanks to the Warwickshire Companions and Chapters making regular donations to the fund.
The opening was attended by E. Comp Steve Price Prov G Charity Steward and E. Comp Rod Hinton Prov G Almoner.