On 25 November, the esteemed members of Doric Lodge 4167 celebrated their 100th birthday. In company of honourable guests including the Provincial Grand Master, Philip L Hall, and a great number of acting Provincial Grand Lodge officers, they enjoyed a fantastic installation ceremony followed by an exquisite Festive Board.The surprise of the evening was a cake in the style of a Master Mason’s apron baked by one of the members of the lodge who is a professional chef. The cake was so beautiful that no one even attempted to touch it. The most sensible decision was made instantaneously. The cake was gifted to Loyal Travellers Lodge 2733 as the latter was to hold a ladies evening the following day. The piece of art was kindly donated to St Mary’s Hospice on Saturday evening.A superb installation with an impressive Festive Board where individually baked gavel-shaped cakes were munched marked the first hundredth anniversary. Wish Doric Lodge many happy centennial celebrations.