Abbey Chapter No. 432

Abbey Chapter has been meeting in Nuneaton for over 100 years, being founded in 1914. Meetings are held at the Masonic Hall in Newdegate Place, NUNEATON, CV11 4EZ on the first Monday in February, April, October and December.

There is ample free parking available (by arrangement with a local parking company) and the area is well served with train and bus services. Whilst many of our Candidates are recruited from Nuneaton craft lodges including Abbey No. 432; Newdegate No. 5102; Etone No. 5981; and Bedewood No. 7274 as well as Athlestan Lodge No.1333 who meet in the neighbouring town of Atherstone. We do encourage and welcome any Master Masons from any qualifying Craft Lodge within the United Grand Lodge of England.

Abbey Chapter operates a General Chapter of Instruction and Companions from all neighbouring Chapters are invited and encouraged to attend. Membership numbers in Chapter are traditionally lower than in Craft Lodges, which, in many respects makes the opportunity to attend the General Chapter of Instruction useful.

Whilst there is never any pressure to progress in Chapter, those who do wish to do so are generally given more opportunity to move forward at a much quicker rate than can normally be achieved in a Craft lodge and for those who wish to take advantage of this accelerated opportunity, the General Chapter of Instruction is a useful resource giving the opportunity to experience and practice ritual in terms of words and actions through all appropriate offices.

For Companions not wishing to progress so quickly, the General Chapter of Instruction is a further opportunity for Companions to get together socially in a much less formal setting than the regular Chapter meetings. Progressing members are encouraged to support the General Chapter of Instruction coordinated by Warwickshire Province.

Abbey Chapter has been particularly well represented in the annual Chapter of Instruction Festival over the last 10 years and it has been said, on many occasions, that this commitment by Chapter members is reflected in the quality of Ritual practiced in the Chapter, something we are all very proud of and keen to continue, not only for the work undertake but also for the involvement with other Chapters in the lodge and particularly the new friendships fostered through regular meetings preparing for the event held each spring.

Recruitment for new members has been consistently healthy and our relationship with local Chapters such as Bedewood 7274, and Athlestan 1883 has always been positive, friendly and advantageous to all with regular visits to and from each by members.

Social events like Sunday lunches and local visits have been arranged between the Chapters in the past and we do hope to continue these in the not too distant future. Abbey Chapter has also engaged in hosting inter Provincial visits in recent years, enabling the Companions to demonstrate an Exaltation Ceremony using workings exclusive to Warwickshire, showing the subtle differences of the ceremony used across the Provinces.

In addition to supporting the Warwickshire Provincial Grand Chapter Benevolent Fund with regular donations, local charities including the Mary Ann Evans Hospice, members widows and members facing financial hardship are all supported from time to time through the vigilance and benevolence of the Chapter Almoner.

Anyone interested in obtaining more information on Abbey Chapter or joining the Chapter should contact the secretary (Scribe E), an office currently held by Excellent Companion David Handley via email ( or via the website or