The Chapter of Faith and Hope Installation in February 2024 was very well supported, and all enjoyed a great evening with the Provincial team and a good number of Acting Officers. With E Comp Nigel Hawkins as Presiding Officer, the event was off to a great start with a Grand Chapter Certificate presented in superb form by E Comp Nigel to our latest recuit, Comp Claudiu Dinu, as shown below.
The full Provincial team consisted of E Comp Nigel Hawkins as Presiding Officer, E Comp Graham Lewis, Acting Second Principal and E Comp Paul Williams, Acting Third Principal. The team was splendidly looked after by E Comp Michael Willetts, Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, who is also a very active member of the Chapter. Michael is to be promoted to Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies at the Annual Convocation in June.
The newly installed three Principals are E Comp Chris Albion, MEZ, E Comp Bob Ballard, H, and E Comp John Hayward, J, the latter having escaped the shackles of the role of Scribe E, after many years in that post. The team is pictured below:
And again, with the Provincial team:
It was pleasing to learn that the Chapter has three candidates to be exalted this year, from three different Lodges, the Chapter being fortunate in attracting Candidates from several different sources.
A mammoth proclamation by the Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies was greatly appreciated, covering a very large number of notable Companions with a wide range of honours.
Following the Installation, a well attended Festive Board was missing our long standing Honorary Member, E Comp Peter Britton, but the silver goblets presented by Peter to mark his fifth occasion as MEZ were still very much in evidence, as shown below:
Thanks go to E Comp Colin Bennett, retiring MEZ, who unfortunately was not in the photos, as he was behind the camera. Thanks also to E Comp Michael Willetts for looking after the proceedings throughout the evening, in conjunction with our Assistant Director of Ceremonies E Comp Howard Smith.