A Banner for Square Wheels

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A Banner for Square Wheels Lodge.
A Banner for Square Wheels Lodge.

A Banner for Square Wheels

For millennia, we have been a people who hold banners dear.  They have been a rallying point in battle, promoted values and advertised organisations.  From the Union Flag to regimental colours, from placards carried at protests to those trailed behind an aircraft; they help us find kindred spirits and give us a sense of belonging.  Freemasonry is no different with standards displayed at meetings of Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge meetings.  This is also seen in private lodges that, often a few years after consecration, have a banner commissioned.

It was back in 2018 when the Square Wheels Lodge No 9966 was consecrated on a very special day at Gaydon.  As the lodge grew and developed, the brethren took the momentous decision to have their own banner.  No doubt a small committee was created and great thought put into its design.  A suitable manufacturer also had to be found.  Once complete, it left one important task to be completed – its dedication, the first in Warwickshire for some considerable time.

Consequently, in December 2024 a plethora of brethren from near and far gathered in Kings Heath to witness a rare ceremony.  The RW Provincial Grand Master, along with an impressive Provincial team, was in attendance to conduct the dedication.  Having welcomed everyone, he explained the significance of the day before opening the lodge.  The ceremony was conducted, as one would expect, with great sincerity and aplomb.  The only glitch was when the ProvGM managed to break his reading glasses.  Thankfully, the Worshipful Master was on hand to lend him his!

As with all Masonic ceremony, prayer was included and the ProvGChap was on hand to proffer this as well as delivering a superb oration.  He talked about us all spending our lives making journeys, adding that the lodge was continuing on its journey.  The banner, unique to the lodge bearing its name and number, is a reflection of its members.  The black and white squares represent the light and dark of life but, of course, also a chequered flag.  The compasses keep us in due bound with all mankind and the square regulates our actions.  The latter is appropriately represented by a pair of con rods, a vital part of every engine!  He closed by exhorting the members of the lodge to keep going as their continue on their own journeys.

The assembled throng then continued on its journey and enjoyed a splendid Festive Board.  The banner was proudly displayed behind the Worshipful Master.  The principal officers made good (and noisy) use of three old-fashioned car horns instead of gavels – another sign of the lodge’s journey.  The Senior Warden proposed a warm and sincere toast to the ProvGM who responded by saying how proud he was to see his team in action and that it had been a privilege to dedicate the banner.  He then proposed a toast to the Square Wheels Lodge, saying just how special it is, adding his hope that its journey may continue for a long time.

The Tercentary Appeal was chosen to be the recipient of the alms collection and the Worshipful Master had managed to procure a Formula 1 wheel that was raffled.  The two sums amounted to over £1000 and the ProvGSec was the lucky winner of the wheel – his only problem is now what to do with it!