A Bostin Tapas Evening For Mental Health

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Forest of Arden Lodge cheque donation to Oasis Mental Health Charity
Worshipful Master Gary Caldicott and Almoner Stuart Jenkins present a cheque to Mr Nick Woodman

At a recent Black Country Tapas event held by the brethren of Forest of Arden Lodge No 3826, much merriment ensued, good food was eaten, many drinks were consumed, and in the finest tradition of Masonic Charity, a collection was held. Lodge members and their families were kind enough to donate, and a sum of £300 was raised. This was the first occasion the Lodge Relief Chest was used.

Pictured are the Worshipful Master Gary Caldicott, Mr Nick Woodman and W.Bro Stuart Jenkins, Almoner, as the cheque was presented.

Mr Woodman came to represent the Oasis Mental Health Charity (formerly Solihull Mind). Oasis has a piece of land located in Knowle that is used to help their clients use activities such as gardening and conservation projects as part of their therapy.

W.Bro Gary Caldicott, Master, said “we set out at the start of our year to do whatever we can to help local charities, and Oasis represents a great opportunity for us to donate to a worthy local cause”.

Mr Woodman said “We are very grateful to the Forest of Arden Lodge for this donation, and will use it well within our creative space at Knowle”.

W.Bro Jenkins also commented “This was the first use of our Relief Chest, and as Almoner I found the process easy to use, and of course the additional contribution from HMRC is always very useful!”.