Another Father & Son for Integrity
by Simon Groves
As with many lodges, Integrity has enjoying having several sets of fathers and sons over the years.
The latest addition to this special club is David and Terry Wood. It was back in April 2023 when David was initiated into Integrity. His father is a Past Master of Mornington Lodge No 1672 and naturally came to support his son as he took such an important step.
WBro Dad returned to support Bro Lad at his passing the following November. He did rather more than just support Bro David – he conducted the ceremony! Bro David’s face was a picture on his return to the lodge when he saw his father sitting in the Master’s place – we had obviously done a good job of keeping that particular secret!
WBro Terry had clearly enjoyed his several visits to Integrity so much that, back in February this year, he became a joining member.
Our recent meeting saw Bro David take another important step as went through his 3rd Degree. Again WBro Dad took the Chair and conducted a superb ceremony, raising Bro Lad in a most sincere way.
The Worshipful Master, WBro John Emms, delivered another outstanding Traditional History – well, we would expect nothing else from a senior preceptor of the General Lodge of Instruction (Thursday nights at Severn Street, brethren!!). As so often, there was a little cherry on top. In taking photos to record the evening, I witnessed a lovely moment. WBro Barry Henniker, Mornington’s Chaplain and a very old friend of the Wood family – indeed he is Bro David’s godfather – had come along to support both Woods. He presented both father and son with a suitably engraved pocket watch to mark such a special evening. Wood Senior and Junior have both made excellent additions to the Integrity family and are thoroughly enjoying their respective offices so, all being well, we will enjoy seeing them both in action again before too long.