Well known across the Province, E Companion Suresh Modi is ever present with his trusty camera phone to record ‘the moment’. We often joke that Comp Suresh must have the largest unseen archive of photos in Masonry (certainly in Warwickshire) but no more Companions, for below are a few of the snaps Comp Suresh took at last Monday’s (17/6) meeting of Provincial Grand Stewards Chapter of Warwickshire’s Installation Meeting.
We speculate that Suresh may have been inspired to share his piccies as this was only the second time this season that the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent was accompanied by both his Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals, who opened the Chapter in good form. 

Or perhaps he felt compelled to as the inductions of E Comp Richard Ayling as MEZ, E Comp Richard Barker as ‘H’ and E Comp Paul Harrison as ‘J’ were all carried out in such an impressive manner.

Or maybe Suresh just wanted to share the friendly atmosphere that was enjoyed by all at the Festive Board following.

The actual reason Suresh shared his prize photos, however, is that the Provincial Grand Stewards Chapter of Warwickshire of which he is a proud member, is such an important Chapter within the Province and the MEGS confirmed this by thanking the Companions on the evening for their constant support and invaluable help at the various Provincial events throughout the season, without which they simply couldn’t proceed.
PH Most Excellent Grand Superintendent