Instructions for the Chapter Scribe E

  1. Summons

A Summons for every Convocation must be sent to:

For Installation Convocations only, whether they are attending or not, to:

  1. Changes in Chapter Membership

To ensure that the Supreme Grand Chapter Records are kept up to date the Provincial Grand Scribe E. must be notified of all changes in Chapter membership details by reason of resignation, death, election to honorary membership, change of address and telephone number etc. as soon as possible after these events occur.

In order to assist you download this form here Change of Details form

Whilst forms for this purpose can be downloaded from the Scribes Corner of the Provincial Website, changes can be notified to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. by email, if preferable from here

  1. Provincial Honours

The Chapter Scribe E should notify the Provincial Grand Scribe E. of Provincial Honours in other Provinces received by members of their Chapters.

In order to assist you download this form here Change of Details form

  1. Annual Return (AR1)

The various returns required by Supreme Grand Chapter and Provincial Grand Chapter must be attended to promptly and returned by the date indicated.

This is an annual return based on the Chapters’ accounting year and is used to establish dues owing to Supreme Grand Chapter. You will receive the form directly from SGC and should note any changes on it. It should be sent to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. within one month of the date shown together with a cheque for the amount requested, payable to “Supreme Grand Chapter”.

SGC have introduced an electronic system for Annual Returns, where the forms will be sent to Scribes E. by email. This will be extended during the forthcoming year and full details will be advised over time.

  1. Installation Return (LP & A4)

This is an annual return based on the Installation date used by Supreme Grand Chapter to record details of current Principals, Scribe E, Treasurer, Charity Steward and Almoner. It is also the Return of Principals used to establish eligibility to attend Supreme Grand Chapter. This form should be completed and returned directly to London. The Provincial Grand Scribe E. does NOT require a copy.

All returns to Supreme Grand Chapter should be addressed to:

Registration Department

Freemasons’ Hall
60 Great Queen

  1. Registration Form P

A supply is sent out annually to the Chapter Scribe E from Supreme Grand Chapter. Further copies can be obtained from the Provincial Grand Scribe E.

Please note that the new style P Form Issue 8 Reg/09/19 must be used. The use of the old style forms is now not acceptable.

This form is used to document all proposals for new members, and must initially be signed and dated by the Candidate, Proposer and Seconder. Immediately after the meeting at which the new member was Exalted or Joined, the details of that meeting should be added, and the form must be signed by the MEZ and Chapter Scribe E.

This should be sent directly to the Provincial Grand Scribe E with the appropriate registration fee (this only applies to Exaltees), this is available on the Resource Tab under Annual Fees. Cheques should be made out to “Supreme Grand Chapter”.

A copy should be retained for the Chapter Records.

In order to assist you download this form here P Form

  1. Exaltations

The Provincial Grand Scribe E. is to be notified as soon as possible when there is to be an Exaltation Ceremony at a meeting. He will then liaise with the Chapter Scribe E. in arranging for a Provincial Representative to attend if possible.

  1. Annual Membership Return

This is sent to the Chapter Scribe E. before the Chapter’s Annual Installation Meeting. It comprises the current list of members in each Chapter as held by the Supreme Grand Chapter. This form must be signed and returned to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. as soon as possible along with a cheque made out to “Supreme Grand Chapter” for the required amount. Any additions or subtractions should be made to the form before posting.

The information received validates the Provincial Grand Chapter Dues for the Chapter (including exaltation fees). An invoice for these fees will be sent directly to the Chapter Treasurer by the Provincial Grand Treasurer once the Supreme Grand Chapter Annual Return has been finalised.

  1. Installation Return (PAR1)

This is sent to Chapter Scribe E. electronically by the Provincial Grand Scribe E. when advising details of the Provincial Principals attending the Installation. A completed copy should be returned to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. immediately following the Installation.

  1. Appointment and Promotion Forms

These will be sent to the Chapter Scribe E. electronically prior to the Installation Meeting.

On the evening of the Installation Meeting completed forms should be given to the Provincial Grand Director Ceremonies before the start of the meeting.