Jerusalem – RA Provincial Church Service 2018

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The ‘Beast from the East’ had thankfully not hit the UK on the day of the annual Warwickshire Royal Arch Church Service and a beautifully sunny late February Sunday heralded another highly successful event.

With every seat taken by almost 200 Companions a warm greeting was given by Lay Reader, Pat Newbold but with the disappointing news that the Church had suffered the theft of lead from its roof in the week before, which encouraged all to give generously.

The Service once more led by the Craft Grand Chaplain, E.Comp. Rev’d Canon Michael Wilson focussed on Jerusalem and how, whilst not possessing the usual geographic advantages of major settlements, came to be the centre of the then known world, how its name came into being and its importance to the Abrahamic faiths.

With four related biblical texts being read by the MEZ’s of Trinity and Athol Chapters, the Deputy and Most Excellent Grand Superintendents and excellent music from organist and choir, including an outstanding solo by E.Comp Chris Grove, the congregation were provided with a thought provoking and enjoyable afternoon.

The day was ended with a high tea at the Kings Court Hotel, a chance for all to catch up and reflect on the day.