WIML sees the Magic of the Mark
The recent meeting of Warwickshire Installed Masters’ Lodge was, as usual, very special. It was the installation which saw WBro Phil Wills PJGD installed into the Chair of this august lodge. He was presented by the RW Provincial Grand Master – rather appropriate as the Mastership of the lodge is the ProvGM’s appointment – to VWBro Peter Manning who installed Bro Phil into the Chair in a most sincere manner. The ProvGM then addressed the new Master – again, very appropriate, as it was one ProvGM to another! I am sure that it was a little unusual for Bro Phil as he would normally be the one addressing the new Master.
The new Master appointed his team before addressing the meeting. This is a tradition of the lodge and the brethren present would have been wondered what it would be all about. Well, not particularly surprisingly, Bro Phil talked about the Mark Degree! He started with the origins of the order and that it has grown into the ‘friendly degree’. He mentioned Lord Leigh who was the Mark Grand Master at the same time as being the Craft ProvGM – perhaps one of Warwickshire earliest members of the ‘two chains club’? WBro Howard Smith is currently heading up this important link as he is an AsstPGM in both Craft and Mark – not an easy task not just in terms of commitment but also as the two addresses to the Master are very similar!
He also touched on the amazing work of the Mark Benevolent Fund, adding that it prides itself on the speed with which it responds. Indeed, its principle guideline is still ‘he gives twice who gives promptly’. Bro Phil is the 16th Mark ProvGM for Warwickshire and is clearly very proud to have served in such a tangible way, leading the Province through the difficult years of the pandemic. His retirement will be well deserved and the annual meeting of PGL next month will see WBro Andrew Armbrister, currently the Mark DepPGM, succeed Bro Phil.
Talking of WBro Howard Smith, as the lead for the ‘Lets Talk’ team, he was pleased to report that the team has been very busy over the summer. When folk come to chat at the stand, they were asked to choose a charity and over 100 were so nominated. The ProvGM was pleased to pull two names out of the metaphorical hat and the Alzheimer’s Foundation and Soundabout will each receive £1000.
With the alms, in aid of the Warwickshire Tercentenary Fund, amounting to over £700, all in all, it was indeed a very special evening. With such an experienced mason at the helm, the lodge is in for a special year. Mark my words, it’s bound to be magic!