Dear Companions,
It is with great pride and enthusiasm for the future of Freemasonry in Warwickshire that I extend the very best wishes and hearty congratulations from each of you to our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Philip upon the news that he is to be invested as the new Provincial Grand Master our Province.
I attach the announcement which was sent by email to you all by David Macey yesterday.
I am very pleased to announce that The MW Grand Master HRH the Duke of Kent, KG, has been pleased to appoint W Bro Philip L Hall PDepGDC, the MEG Superintendent (Warwickshire) as the Provincial Grand Master for Warwickshire.
He will be invested in the near future and further details will follow after discussion with the United Grand Lodge of England.
Brethren, I would like to thank you all for the wonderful support that you have afforded me during my time in Office. It has been a wonderful privilege to serve as your Provincial Grand Master and one which I have greatly enjoyed.
I am delighted that the future of our Province will be in such great hands. I am sure that you will all join me in offering our Provincial Grand Master Designate our hearty congratulations and full support.