Reading Court Roundup: A New Face and Fab @ 50
Reading Court has a new scheme manager. At the beginning of November, Rachel Keenan was welcomed to her new role by retiring manager Alan Smith.
Rachel comes to Reading Court with a background in finance, general management and hospitality. Outside of work, she is a keen scuba diver, particularly in the warm waters of the Maldives!
She said “I’m looking forward to working with everyone at Reading Court. I am also beginning to appreciate the many ways in which freemasons help not just each other, but also the wider public. I hope I can make a contribution here at Reading Court.” We all wish Rachel well as the new scheme manager and Alan the very best in retirement.
Rachel arrives in time to help Reading Court join in some 50-year celebrations. First established in 1975, the Masonic Housing Association (MHA) provides award winning sheltered housing for those who want to retain an independent lifestyle. It has a number of individual schemes, offering rented flats, together with additional, managed facilities. Admission is open to freemasons and their connections, as well as others in the wider community. Being a charitable, non-profit organisation run by masons means that leasing income can be substantially reinvested in the properties, while the cost of renting remains very competitive. Additionally, charitable donations from both Provinces and individual lodges, are very important in providing little “extras” for residents, something that distinguishes MHA schemes from others in the sector.
At Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire Province is fortunate to have Reading Court, one of the MHA schemes, which currently houses residents aged between 55 and 104! As a real-life example of charity and service in the wider community, Reading Court will no doubt be of interest to freemasons in general. Additionally, some masons may be interested with regard to possible use by them or their families. Every Lodge will have brethren or widows for whom house management is becoming onerous or costly. Masters, Secretaries and Almoners should therefore become familiar with this housing alternative, so that timely advice may be given.
Reading Court is busy planning their MHA 50 Year celebrations for Saturday, June 14th, 2025, and more details will follow. In the meantime, if you would like to learn more about Reading Court or the MHA, check out the website and video with the QR code, or go to https://masonichousing.co.uk/reading-court/

You can contact Reading Court directly via admin@readingcourt.com or on tel: +44(0)1789297301