Snow Forecast

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If snow is threatening then it must be time for the Principals and Past Principals Annual Dinner at the King Norton Golf Club.  And so it was that 170 E Comps made their way to hear E Comp Philip Hall outline his thoughts on the year past and the year to come.

In a series of wide ranging remarks he laid great store upon the need for us to continue to enjoy lots of laughter at our meetings, to support our new Exaltees in general and more specifically to make our younger members feel welcome and included.  Though we all might remember the perfect ritual of the past (!) E Comp Phil asked that all demonstrate understanding to those who are doing their best.  ‘Before you judge me, walk a mile in my shoes’.

He commended the contents of Solomon and encouraged all Chapters to present one of the ‘nuggets’ from that source at each meeting.   He further encouraged all to follow Leigh Chapter’s example and establish a WhatsApp Group for good communication.

Finally in a change to past practice he was pleased to announce that the Provincial Executive would remain unchanged for next year, an opportunity for all to continue leading on respective initiatives.

After grateful thanks were given to E Comp David Graham and E Comp Gary Evans for all their hard work in organising the event E Comp Peter Sorrell challenged all with the annual quiz.  Question ‘what does the Monitorial sign depict’?  Best answer ‘a bad back’!  Oh for such ready wit!

All left in good time to beat the snow and look forward to next year.