St Michael’s Chapter, No. 1630 – Installation Convocation

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On Tuesday 14th February, St Michael’s Chapter No. 1630 held their Installation convocation to Install the new Principals.

E Comp Guy Mander, was proclaimed into the chair of Zerubbabel to continue for a second year. E Comp Wade Dimitri continued to occupy the Chair of Haggai as E Comp Matthew Perkins who was to have been installed was unfortunately, and unavoidably absent from the meeting. The installation ceremonies continued with Companion Nigel Vines being installed into the chair of Joshua, and all three can be seen in this photograph with happy smiles on their faces, typical of all Royal Arch Masons!



The Presiding Officer, E Comp John Starley the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, congratulated the newly installed Principal, now E Comp Nigel Vines on his attaining the chair of Joshua and wished him the best of health to continue his progress through the remaining chairs.

The 2nd and 3rd acting Provincial Principals for the evening were; E Comp David Mander, uncle of the Proclaimed MEZ, and E Comp Kevin Garner respectively, and the 3 Principals were escorted by E Comp Mike Smith, a Deputy ProvGDC, who took these pictures, and who unfortunately can’t be seen in the following, excellent line up!


From L to R; E Companions Wade Dimitri, David Mander, Guy Mander, John Starley, Nigel Vines and Kevin Garner.