Vesey Chapter 794 – A Chapter that is Growing Rapidly

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At the recent Convocation, on 6th October, Vesey Chapter welcomed two joining members and balloted for three Exaltees.  A further visiting Companion was also identified as a joining member.  Six new members at one meeting takes some beating.  That gives the Chapter a current membership of over 40, exceeding most Chapters in the Province.

On top of that, the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E Comp David Graham, was delighted to present no less than four Grand Chapter Certificates to Exaltees from previous meetings whose certificates had been delayed due to printing difficulties in Grand Chapter.  This is a Chapter that is definitely going full steam ahead!

Apart from celebrating the Chapter’s good fortune, this was the Installation Convocation.  E Comp Andrew Leonard, Installing Principal, invested E Comp John Sheath as the new MEZ in a splendid ceremony and both received the congratulations of the Deputy Grand Superintendent.  E Comp Andrew received applause and congratulations from all present for the excellent manner in which he handled the Installation.  E Comp John is a Director of the Sutton rooms, and spends a lot of his time engaged in that role.

E Comp Peter James was unfortunately on holiday, and will be inducted as 2nd Principal at the next Convocation.  In his place, the ever versatile E Comp James Freakley acted as 3rd Principal to invest Comp Ian French, previously Principal Sojourner, as Joshua of the Chapter.  E Comp James then acted as Haggai for the remainder of the evening.

A very enjoyable festive board followed with at least 32 dining.  When responding to the toast to the Province, E Comp David Graham commented that it was rare to see such a number at a Chapter meeting and he congratulated the Chapter members on a superb meeting and on the number present.  He also thanked his team – E Comp John Hayward acting as Second Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp Paul Williams acting as Third Provincial Grand Principal and E Comp Mike Willetts, Provincial Asst Grand Director of Ceremonies.  E Comp David also added that it was the first time in their roles for both E Comp Paul and E Comp Mike, and congratulated them both on the excellent manner in which they had undertaken the work, with a particular mention to Mike for a wonderful proclamation.



The photograph shows:

John Hayward, Acting 2nd Prov Principal, James Freakley, Acting H, David Graham, Deputy Grand Superintendent, E Comp John Sheath, MEZ, E Comp Ian French, J, E Comp Paul Williams, ProvGStdB, acting 3rd Provincial Principal.