Water, water everywhere

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Our Provincial Charity Steward recently outlined the way in which the Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund is supporting a great number of Charities:-

One of the projects mentioned was that of a water feature in the new Sensory Garden at Ashby House residential care centre in Nuneaton. This is part of the Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust specialising in the provision of high quality respite care breaks for adults with learning disabilities and associated health needs. It provides 24 hour care supported by registered learning disability nurses and skilled health care assistants.

In such difficult situations environment is so important and we are therefore very pleased that we have been able to support the unit by paying for a water feature in the Sensory Garden. On a suitably very wet June Day the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent E Comp Phil Hall presented a cheque for £5,451 to Kim Morgan, Home Manager with the support of Trust Chairman, Jagtar Singh.

Your money and Charity In Action – Freemasonry adding value to the lives of those much less fortunate than ourselves.