You’ve Made A Difference! The MCF Awarded £26.3 Million In Grants 

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Masonic Charitable Foundation, The Freemasons' Charity

2023/24 Impact Report

Support where it is needed most

Impact with your help

On behalf of Freemasons, the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) works in partnership with other organisations and the Freemasonry community to provide grants to individuals in need and charities that help communities in England, Wales, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and overseas.

The purpose of the MCF – or the Freemasons’ charity as it is increasingly known – is to build better lives by encouraging opportunity, promoting independence and improving wellbeing. All their work is funded solely through the generosity of Freemasons, including those throughout Warwickshire and those Freemasons who meet in their Lodges.

During 2023/24, the MCF awarded £26.3 million in grants to support some of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people in society. This included 4,575 grants in support of individuals or households within our fraternity and 339 grants to local and national charities to help them deliver vital services to around 379,000 people.

Click HERE for further information about the impact of the MCF’s work, including details of their support in Warwickshire.