Continuing from last year when we welcomed two Candidates to the Chapter of Faith and Hope, we have been fortunate in exalting two more new members this year. At an emergency meeting in April, Comp Bradley Hemming from the Lodge of Faith and Hope joined our numbers, and in May we exalted Comp Emil Mitrache from the Lodge of Freedom. We will have an amazing fifth candidate later this year, and either squeezed in this year, or early next year there is yet another ready to join our Chapter
The Chapter was pleased to welcome back to both meetings, E Comp Mike Hogarth, Assistant to the Provincial Principals, who presented both candidates with the Exaltee’s explanatory guide to the Royal Arch in Warwickshire, and welcomed them to the Province as well as to the Chapter.
The ceremony was shared by the three Principals, and E Comp Ian Grayson again presented the Mystical Lecture, whilst E Comp Philip Wills expertly handled doing the entire work of the Sojourners.

Pictured are: E Comp Mike Hogarth, APGP, E Comp Bob Ballard, H, E Comp Chris Albion, MEZ, Comp Emil Mitrache, Exaltee, E Comp John Hayward, J, E Comp Ian Grayson, SE.
Thanks to E Comp Mike Willetts for his photographic expertise.