Buddy-Bag Foundation
Companions, over 48,000 children enter emergency care each year after fleeing domestic abuse, let me just say that again, 48,000 children enter emergency care each year after fleeing domestic abuse. A staggering figure, and these are the ones that have been brought to the attention of the authorities.
The Buddy-Bag Foundation supply these children with a Buddy Bag containing essential items to help restore a sense of comfort and love. On entering the year of their 10th anniversary, they have supplied 60,000 bags to children and not a paper clip or post it note is purchased from the donations received, every penny is spent on the children.
Thanks to your donations to the Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund, we have donated £4,500 to the Foundation which will buy 180 bags to be distributed to refuge centres in the West Midlands & Warwickshire area. On behalf of the children, thank you Companions, for your support.
Yours sincerely and fraternally
Rod Hinton
Prov. G. Almoner.