The March meeting of the Lodge of Israel 1474 was a double celebration drawing together the annual Installation ceremony and the 150th anniversary of the Consecration meeting back in 1874.
The event was attended by over 65 members and guests, many having travelled a considerable distance to be present. They were not to be disappointed. The Installation of W Bro Tim Burgin, who was first installed as Master twenty years ago in 2004, went smoothly Bro Tim appointed and invested his Officers in due form.
Attention then turned to the 150th Anniversary. It was noted that two Brethren present had actually been at the meeting which marked the 100th anniversary of the Lodge, W Bro Carl Clements, the Father of the Lodge, and W Bro Michael Spencer from Israel’s daughter Lodge, the Lodge of Loyalty 4340, itself now over 100 years old.
Two senior Past Masters presented papers on the history of the Lodge and the Lodge was called off to allow those present to view some of the Archives gathered over the last 150 years. Masonic Minutes can be a bit “dusty” but notes from Lodge Committee meetings and some of the correspondence referred to therein provided a rich seam of historical interest and definitely reflected the times in which they were first written, so, for example, a Minute thanking a Brother for his donation of chickens to be distributed to Lodge Members probably seemed perfectly normal at the time!
There was likewise a steady stream of complaints noted – usually about the quality of the food, but also the cost of the wine, the coldness of the dining room, the state of the carpet, and so on!
During WWII members tried a wholly meat- free meal. They did not repeat the experiment!
The Lodge was called back on and members of the Lodge of Loyalty were invited to occupy the Principal Offices and close the Lodge in a tradition that goes right back to the founding of the Lodge of Loyalty.
Everyone then adjourned to local hall for an excellent Festive Board.
All who commented on the evening agreed that it had been a great success. Those who were responsible for organising it heaved a sigh of relief and vowed never to do such a thing again – until the next time anyway!